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Litecrete, Inc. (“Litecrete”) a joint stock company of variable capital with address in Monterrey, Nuevo León, we are convinced that the main asset are our customers and users, that is why we apply guidelines, policies and procedures to protect your personal and sensitive data.

Therefore, through our privacy programs your personal data is in good hands. You have the opportunity to receive our services, knowing that your personal data will be protected. The security of your personal information is our priority; that is why we protect this information by maintaining physical, electronic and procedural protections, training our employees in the proper handling of your personal information, in order to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing it.

Litecrete, Inc. reserves the right to share your personal data with employees and partners of the company, who will process your information on behalf of Litecrete, Inc. Litecrete, Inc. will not share or transfer your personal data except in the cases provided for in the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos en Posesión de los Particulares or in any other applicable legislation or regulations. In case you require access to the personal data that Litecrete, Inc. keeps about you to correct, rectify, cancel, or that you wish to oppose, limit its use and disclosure or exercise any other right conferred on it by the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos en Posesión de los Particulares, or any other applicable legislation or regulations, please submit your request by email, telephone or by written notification to all the following persons:, (210)402-3223. Your request must contain the following information: I. Your name and address, in order to respond to your request within the periods established in the applicable law; II. A copy of your ID, passport, driver’s license or any other document proving your identity; III. The clear and precise description of the personal data on which one seeks to exercise any of the rights mentioned above, and precise description of your request; and IV. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of such personal data. Litecrete, Inc. reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, which it will notify by means of an announcement on its website and/or by means of an email sent to the address you provide. You have the right to cancel your personal data or to limit its use and disclosure in the event of changes to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice is governed by the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos en Posesión de los Particulares and other laws and regulations of the United Mexican States.

Acceptance of this Privacy Notice implies your express submission to the courts of the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, for any dispute or claim arising out of this Privacy Notice.